Main Professional Research & Consulting Activities
- 2011-2022 : Scientific consultant (SCORE : Scientific Consulting for Research & Engineering, Strasbourg, France)
- PSA Peugeot Citröen (Centre d’Essais de Belchamp) , Vehicle Dynamics Service (SDV) :
- Development of Set Inversion Methods for engine adjustements in Python, Ruby and MATLAB/SIMULINK.
- Big data analysis of adjustments/performances for vehicles engines.
- Measurements analysis of vehicles tires’ data and development of predictive multi-physics models in Python and Ruby (Evolutionary Programming, Symbolic Regression).
- Data Analysis of ESP (Electronic Security Program) behavior in a SIL (Software In the Loop) process.
- Geothermal Station of Soultz-sous-Forêt, France :
- Modeling and simulation of Rankine-Hugoniot thermodynamical cycles with MATLAB/SIMULINK.
- Multiphysics modeling of the geothermal station with VHDL-AMS
- University of Haute-Alsace (ENSISA), Mulhouse, & Michelin & Messier-Bugatti :
- Model Classification of A380 aircraft tires mechanical behaviour with mean of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning methods) with Rstudio, SCILAB, and MATLAB.
- Quantmetry, Paris, JC Decaux (Vélo’v), Lyon :
- Forecasting of bicycles rent management (Cyclocity) according weather, calendar, seasons, …, with Rstudio and python libraries.
- Electricity of France (EDF R&D), OSIRIS (Energetic Systems Optimization Department), Clamart :
- Optimization of coupling of nuclear, thermal (coal), fuel, and hydroelectric plants with mean of Set Inversion Methods implemented for parallel computing with Ruby.
- PSA Peugeot Citröen (Centre d’Essais de Belchamp), Engine Control Service (CMOE) :
- Big data analysis and model classification of relevant parameters of engine adjustments with Python Statistical and Machine Learning libraries.
- Development of Artificial Neural Network in C++ for prediction of fuel consuming according thermodynamic variables.
- Modeling and simulations of engine behavior in order to study polluting gas production with mean of Symbolic Regression via Genetic Programming (SRvGP) and Probabilist Set Inversion methods (PSI). Development in Ruby of a parallel computing library (MPI-like).
- PSA Peugeot Citröen (Centre d’Essais de Belchamp) , Vehicle Dynamics Service (SDV) :
- 2009-2010 : University of Lyon (Ecole Normale Supérieure), Quantum Simulation Group, Lyon, France, Research Assistant. Parallel large scale simulation of hydrocarbons absorption by zeolithes materials (In collaboration with French Institute of Petroleum) on IBM Blue Gene Supercomputer.
- 2008-2009 : National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal, Research Officer (Hydro-informatics group). Data analysis of multigrid calculations & forecasting of tsunami’s geophysical and hydrological impacts on Lisbon’s coasts and area.
- 2007-2008 : Department of Computing Sciences and Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, Research Assistant. Development in Python and FORTRAN 90 of large sparse matrices computational algorithms for quantum physics simulations.
- 2006-2007 : Computational Physics Group, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, Research Assistant. Development of new global optimization technics (Minima Hopping Method) in FORTRAN 77/90 and Python for classical and quantum simulations of new materials and molecules.
- 2004-2006 : Center for Atomic-scale Materials Physics, Institute of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, Research Assistant. Development in Python of large scale molecular dynamics simulations codes for Bulk Metallic Glasses ductility and shear bands appearance studies.
- 2004 : Renault Trucks-Volvo R&D (Saint-Priest, Lyon) : Development of a brake system virtual model for a truck with MATLAB/SIMULINK.
- 2003 : PSA Peugeot-Citroën (Service Dynamique Véhicule, Centre d’Essais de Belchamp) :
- Parameters identification of an hydraulic model of breaking system (ESP) by optimization and automatic differentiation.
- 2002 : PSA Peugeot-Citroën (Service Moyens Technique et Scientifique, Sochaux) : Development in C++ of Artificial Neural Networks :
- Efforts prediction according accelerations (PREFAC).
- Trajectories prediction of trajectories according accelerations (PRETRAJ).
- Mass prediction according to accelerations (PREMASS).
- Interfacing and integration of PREFAC, PRETRAJ and PREMASS within a Signal Processing code (LEXADE) .
- 2002 : Viveris Technologies (ex-B2I) (Rungis, Paris) : Training of engineers to MATLAB for numerical simulations in mechanics, automatics and to C++ programming.
- 2001 : PSA Peugeot-Citroën (Service Groupe Moto-Propulsion, Centre d’Essais de
Belchamp) : Development with MATLAB/SIMULINK of a virtual model of power unit out of gear box automatic. Development with MATLAB/SIMULINK of a real time control strategy for the wheel dynamics. Implementation of the by-pass strategy on embedded computer using ASCET.